Northern Prairie Arts

Novmeber Art's Night at the Pub

It's Arts Night @ Your Pub again next Thursday, November 11th. Back by popular demand are poets, not just any poets but this time we're taking a deeper dive into a few who have their work in Scurfpea Publishing's 2021 Poetry Anthology titled The Men Who Made Fires.

The editor, Dan Snethan, will join us with about 3 of the poets so you can hear more about their creative process along with hearing their work. If you think you aren't a huge fan of poetry, I challenge you to tune in -- I always walk away from the poetry readings thinking WOW, I really enjoyed that! When you hear it from the lips of the person who created the piece, it is always 1000 times better than hearing it in my voice. If you don't like it, I WILL refund your price of admission - HAH! Gotcha!

See you next Thursday, 6:30pm, on the Arts Night at the Pub FB page. If you get here and nothing is happening, try refreshing the page, rumor has it that helps. See you at Arts Night - THE BEST night of the month!